Time in community is fun, different, challenging and full of opportunities to grow and flourish. Support and friendship will be critical to the process. An important part of your year with us is the structure of support, mentoring and leadership we provide.

This scheme takes a lot of its inspiration from a modern interpretation of the Rule of Saint Benedict where the care of novices is paramount but is also a two-way process of learning and growing.
The leadership and support team for 2024 onwards is..
Daniel French
Vicar of Salcombe since 2008. Comes with previous experience as an university chaplain, IT instructor and web designer. Writes for The Spectator
The support team meet regularly with the community to plan schedules and goals while also setting time aside for reviewing progress.
There is also the opportunity to have time with a diocesan vocations advisor and if appropriate begin a period of formal discernment for authorised ministry.